Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Berlin Wall fell 20 years ago

Read the following writing by Chinese Author 北明:
"1989年的最后一天,东、西柏林万人空巷,1989年的最后一夜,勃兰登堡门两面,灯火通明,万头躜动。1989年的最后一刻,当深色天幕上,礼炮齐鸣,彩花争艳时,人们在欢乐的海洋中奏乐起舞,喜极而泣,仰面沉思、干杯痛饮。两德人民和来自世界各地的游人一齐,在勃兰登堡门迎来了德国历史上的一个新世纪。" Only 6 months earlier young blood was spilling instead of beer and wine. It was the blood of my peers, my neighbors, my friends that awakened some humanity in East German solders and commanders who did not pull the trigger 20 years ago. I feel saddened and proud at the same time. As the saying goes:"Evils prevail when good people do nothing."

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