Monday, February 21, 2011


到了今天,油价已经在接近十元了。我觉得油价应该更高,高到让那些不顾大局不顾领导利益动不动要自焚的刁民们连一升汽油都买不起,这就从根本上杜绝了这类 事件的发生,而房价也应该更高,高到根本就够不着,这样才能让那些非要房子不可的姑娘们都嫁给有钱人,保障我国的年轻男人一心创业,心无杂念,身无压力。 税率也应该更高,个人所得税百分之八十,不光买房子要交房产税,生孩子还要交产房税,政府破坏环境以后老百姓要交纳环境保护税,赚了要交利润税,亏了要交 经验税,死人要交遗产税,壮丁要交遗精税,男人要交睡人税,女人要交被睡税,至于为什么这样更好,反正我也不知道,只知道小时候墙上就写着,纳税光荣。能 把字用红色写在墙上那么大而且不被擦掉的,都是不能惹的。

至于我,还是习惯了揣着一千块钱出门,只是前几天去了一次香 港,觉得那里物价怎么这么便宜。今天去肯德基,买了一个甜筒,给了两块钱,服务员说,三块。可能是肯德基麦当劳涨的少,我还停留在汉堡十元的年代里。但是 有一个喜讯,在房价油价电费水费齐涨的今天,终于有一样政府收费项目减价了,而且一减就减去了将近一半的价格,而那些涨价的项目往往每次只涨一两成,说明 政府该大方的地方还是很大方的——登记结婚从9元降到了5元,也就是说,如果你一辈子结婚三次,政府为你省去了足足十二块。谢谢。

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Use of Fluorescent Protein in Studying Protein Half-Life

From AlleleBlog:

How long a protein remains in cell and at what equilibrium level depends on several factors: 1) how fast it is translated; 2) how fast it is degraded; 3) how much dilution by cell division affects its balance. A good method for tracking protein degradation requires live cell measurement methods that show high resolution because the changes may be small and gradual; and that do not interfere with cellular processes. One simple method was recently described in Science by Eden et al. that relies on bleaching fluorescent protein (FP) tagged to cellular protein of interest.
To track protein half-life, only a small fraction of FP is bleached with a pulse of light that would irreversibly damage the chromophore of the FP. This treatment, called bleach chase, would produce a population of proteins that are non-fluorescent and cannot be replenished. By comparing the fluorescence of this population and the control, unbleached population, it is possible to determine the half-life of the fused proteins using equation T1/2=ln(2)/a, where a is the slope of decay of the difference between bleached and unbleached protein fluorescence on a semilogarithmic plot. (This part is recited from AlleleNews)
Conversely, instead of photobleaching a FP to create a protein population, a fluorescent signal can be created and chased by photoactivating a photoactivable FP that is fused to a cellular protein under study. Plachta et al. published in a recent issue of Nature Cell Biology that by following the half-life, or kinetics of pluripotency-related transcription factor Oct4, cell fates are predicted in early embryo development.
In fact, there is a third method, perhaps soon to be published, that a photoconvertible FP can be used for tracking fusion protein half life. By using a photoconvertible FP, such as mClavGR (already offered by Allele), a fluorescent protein population can be created as in the aforementioned studies; but unlike bleaching or photoactivating, photoconversion keeps both populations (converted and unconverted, green or red in the case of mClavGR) present. This way all readings can be internally controlled to compensate for factors not directly related to protein metabolism per se, such as cell death, equipment variation, etc.
New Product of the Week 0201411-022111: Relaunch of Orbigen Apoptosis polyclonal antibodies on the new Allele online shopping system
Promotion of the week 021311-022111: This week save 10% on all custom viral services.

Friday, February 18, 2011


前美国国务卿赖斯日前在华盛顿邮报上发表文章,论述了“暂时的动荡不安要远远胜于建立在专制基础上的虚假的稳定”。赖斯阐述了她对埃及以及国际局势的看 法。赖斯说,穆巴拉克下台之前那几天,她在电视上一边看着穆巴拉克讲话,一边想:早知今日,何必当初。
    在2月16号发表于华盛顿邮报的署名文章中,赖斯说,当初那么说,实际上就等于是承认美国在世界各地,尤其是在中东地区,一贯以稳定压倒民主诉求 的政策,没有成功,结果是“鸡飞蛋打”,既没有达到区域稳定,也没有推进民主。
    *穆巴拉克 前车之鉴*
    赖斯说,之后一段时间内,埃及领导层似乎在政治上有所放松,但是好景不长;穆巴拉克不久就又开始将反对派人士抓捕入狱,民众憎恨的“紧急状态法” 依然没有被取消的迹象,而且议会选举依然是笑话。
    赖斯认为,正是由于穆巴拉克领导的埃及政府拒绝主动展开体制改革,最后落得极其被动的局面。她说,区域内其他国家的领导人应该从中汲取教训,加快 已经拖得不能再拖的政治和经济改革。
    赖斯说,未来几个月,甚至好几年内,几乎可以肯定,局势将会是动荡不安的;但是,“暂时的动荡不安要远远胜于建立在专制基础上的虚假的稳定。” “美国应当支持民主政府,这样做,不是因为他们对我们更加友善,而是因为他们对自己国家的民众更加友善。”
    赖斯进一步表示,民主体制下的政府,包括我们的一些最亲密的盟友,不见得在所有问题上,都和我们观点一致;但是,他们和我们在最关键的一点上,是 一致的,那就是,一国政府唯有民众支持,才有存在的意义。
    赖斯表示,美国方面深知,民主是一个长时间的过程,而且整个进程中,会出现断断续续、不稳定的现象,有时候甚至会非常混乱。但是,她说,面对现实 和未来,我们别无选择,只有相信在历史的长河中,世界各国人民共同怀有的理念将比一时的动荡更加持久、更加有着积极的意义。

Friday, February 11, 2011

...And the crowd chanted, "Egypt is free!"

People won! Wish people will always win, everywhere.

"The ones who stood in Tahrir Square are the heroes," one Palestinian said. "Congratulations and salute to all the Egyptian people."

The ones who stood in Tiananman Square 21 years ago are also heroes, even though they did not get the victory.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


大家都知道,我们政府(Chinese government)很有钱。很多人在嘲笑美国金融危机了,美国某州政府财政都是赤字,某州政府要破产了。但如果人家可以随意就开征一个税种,马路一拦随 意收钱,房子随意拆平整出来的土地随意卖,人家政府肯定也不会破产。其实以上这些都不用,你只要让人家政府收一样的税然后给予中国人的福利,就可永葆任何 政府不破产。所以,只有政府常常破产,人民才会不破产。很可惜,有些国人一看见别国政府破产了,就乐不可支,激动的摇醒自己积劳成疾但又不敢去医院看病的 老婆,说,还是我们政府牛牛牛牛牛牛牛……住桥洞回声有点大,没办法。