Saturday, April 28, 2012

陈光诚自由! Chen Guangcheng is free and likely under US protection in Beijing Embassy

难以相信一个盲人,在没有别人帮助下能自己计划几个月,利用24监视的疏忽和漏洞,选择月亮暗淡的晚上,用十几秒的时间翻墙越“狱”,在溪流旷野间奔跑几小时,摔倒几十次,知道谁是可靠的网友,联系上并立即转移城市,录制对总理温家宝的呼吁。CNN report called it “like a Hollywood thriller”, 但陈光诚的行动和语气中显示出来的决心,勇气,智慧, 和冷静实在是超越thriller movie所能描绘的英雄。
当然他不可能没有同样具有勇气和牺牲精神的朋友的帮助,何培蓉在Skype接受CNN采访时显示出来的镇定“I'm not concerned about my own safety," she said during the interview. "I hope they'll arrest me, not my friends., when the state security agents just arrived at the dooris legendary. 自己就曾经历过类似关押的胡佳显然在这次陈光诚行动中起了很大的作用。

Social concern blog by Allele Outpost

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