Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Allele Will Bring a New Family of Fluorescent Proteins to the Market

Allele has signed an exclusive co-development and marketing agreement with the Swedish high tech company, Innoventus, to work with Dr. Olle Israelsson of the Karolinska Institutet on a novel class of fluorescent proteins.
These proteins were discovered in Amphioxus, a type of small fish that can be found in beach sand, which is believed to be a very primitive cordate species. Compared to jellyfish and coral, from which virtually all of the currently used fluorescent proteins were isolated, Amphoixus are closer to mammalians and their proteins may find great application in human cells and other commonly used animal models. In addition, there are a large number of protein variants that can provide different spectra and other important physical properties such as photostability and photoconvertability.
Allele Biotech’s plan is to first introduce several new fluorescent proteins of different colors to the market as immediate alternatives for fluorescent protein customers. The next step is to continue to evolve and mature these proteins to create more advanced proteins with desired properties suitable for live animal imaging or more advanced applications such as PALM/STORM and SIM. Allele Biotech has on its team of fluorescent protein research staff and collaborators, some of the most highly regarded scientists. With these resources, Allele Biotech plans on committing to long-term development of truly user-friendly fluorescence imaging products.
These new class of fluorescent proteins will be integrated into Allele Biotech’s current products including: retro/lentiviral vectors, baculovirus and bacmam systems, as well as iPSC and RNAi constructs.

1 comment:

  1. Lancelet 文昌鱼 has some 16 FPs of different spectra and physical properties that have not been seen before in Cnidaria FPs (e.g. jelly fish GFP) such as redox activity, photoconvertible property. Some of them appear to be very bright, making them good candidate for very useful research tools. We are working on these FPs and hopefully will be providing mature FP products to the research community shortly.
