Monday, February 1, 2010

How We Give Back in 2010

This year has started off great for Allele. Every week our shipping volume is increasing, we have an arsenal of new products in the pipeline, we are the sole provider of oligos on the University of California San Diego’s central online purchasing site, and every day we are taking even more action to cut the waste and increase productivity in order to give our customers the very best at a reasonable cost. Our company is maturing nicely in its 10th year!

Lately we have really been focusing on giving back to our customers who I, on a daily basis, am impressed with. Most of all, I am impressed with how good of a relationship we have. I have several customers who I am on the phone with regularly and genuinely glad to hear from. We have fun with our friends on facebook, giving advice on molecular biology techniques and even swapping recipes.

So far this year we have designed three new ways to reward our customers:

For details, please go here. (

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