Wednesday, January 13, 2010 image search for "tiananmen massacre" shows tanks and corpses now.

Stand up google, finally! No amount of money is worth bending your knees. Yahoo has also just waken up and supported google's stance.

There has been some funny logic going on after Baidu, who calls themselves "google of China" to get money in the US stock market, was attached by hackers from an Iranian web group a day before the google saga. Some well-known personnel in China's official-run TV and bunch more people online couldn't believe that a pro-Iran group would attach something China, "we have supported Iran, as the only supporter almost, to fight against US and the West, it is not possible for them to do this to us!!! it must be a conspiracy originated by the US (like everything else that is considered against China, more precisely against the ruling and only party in China)".

The same people or mentality had problems understanding African pirates took a Chinese ship and more than 20 sailor for hostage, and got many millions of dollars in ransom right after the show of power bythe Chinese military during a National Day goose-step zero-audience-on-street parade, because these people in China cheered for the pirates when they took American hostages. Same disbelief when Al Qaeda announced war against the Chinese people after a brutal oppression of Chinese Muslims in Xingjiang because these group of Chinese people cheered for Al Qaeda too when 9/11 happened.

By the same line of reasoning, they can never understand why the US would air-raid Yugoslavia to save the Muslims in Bosnia if the Muslims are against the US. Neither can they ever understand why the first response after the Haiti earthquake yesterday was from Washington, and all the rescue teams, millions of dollars from USA even still in economic turmoil, USS Carl Vinson, and the hundreds of marines going in to that part of the world after Black Hawk Down and Maersk Alabama/Captain Richard Phillips.

In Chinese sayings: these people have 小人之心 (tiny shrivel little heart) and are 井底之蛙 (narrow slit of opening for a view of the world, should feel sorry for themselves of living a pitiful narrow-minded life)。


  1. Red Cross social campaign nets $3M for Haiti, $10 at a time, is a true testament to the American spirit.

  2. Obama pledged $100 million to Haiti.

  3. Delays in Grant Application Submission is permitted due to Earthquake in Haiti, institutes may need to relocate resources to help with the earthquake rescue efforts.

  4. " 就这么一个环境,还有一群人跟在河蟹的屁股后面协助闭关锁国,替自己挖坟也能挖得这么欢乐,真是叹为观止。"--网上人言
