Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don’t have to remember, because I will never forget

This day 20 years ago was the most dramatic day of our lives so far. The experience has profoundly influenced me to be who I am now and how I view things, even as a private person living a daily life. Maybe I did not see its effect fully then, but I sure feel how it is underpinning everything of substance to me now. Seeing what happened and how it happened taught me in real sense about oppression versus resistance, dishonesty versus being true to self, about what it is so important that a person needs to be fighting till death for, and what is only superficial that one could just let go.

在一场不均衡的战斗中,我只是选择了我所属于的那一方,即使是弱的一方。对曾经站在我身旁却没能一起走出广场的同伴, 我知道我们可能只是随机地交换了地方。我希望我和其他活过来的人以自由和正直的方式度过了我们这些年的多出来的时光,并因此而没让他们失望。

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