Friday, July 30, 2010

Allele’s pallet of the super star fluorescent proteins

From AlleleBlogs

“Photoblog”–just some fun pictures from our notebooks.
    The brightest cyan, green fluorescent proteins, and the brightest ever FP in LanYFP!
The brightest cyan, green fluorescent proteins, and the brightest 
ever FP in LanYFP!
Ain't they pretty?
These fluorescent proteins are representatives of the growing family or high quality, new generation FPs engineered to enable experiment previously deemed impossible.
    Cells infected with lentivirus carrying mWasabi. Lentivirus carrying LanYFP will make most cells much more brighter than this.
2-3 times brighter than EGFP, no cytotoxicity detected
The mWasabi is stimulating
The brightest green fluorescent protein with excellent photostability, carried on 10e8 TU/ml high titer lentivirus.
    The LanFPs express well in bacteria.
Reminding you of icecream
The LanFPs express well in bacteria
Project planning is under way to test the cytotoxicity of lanFPs in different mammalian cell lines and in vivo with a focus on neurons.
    The FPs fold so strongly that they fluorescence even in SDS-PAGE.
Fluorescence while running in denaturing gel
Can you see the FP bands in the SDS PAGE?
    FPs in SDS PAGE–a closer look
while the gel is still running
Can you see them now?
    FPs in gel cassette over UV lights
Easier to see now than during gel running
Invincible FPs
    FPs in gel cassette under blue LED
The red FP is harder to see because of the black background
Fluorescence in SDS page under blue LED
The purified FPs can be used as “real time” protein markers.
New Product of the Week 07/26/10-08/01/10: pCHAC-mWasabi-C for expressing mWasabi fusion through retroviral vectors.
Promotion of the Week 07/26/10-08/01/10: Get 3′ TAMRA & BHQ oligo mods for $45 ea & 3′ Dabcyl mod for $20 50 nmol syn scale only/while supplies last- use dbtkrm0726

Saturday, July 24, 2010




北佬 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】
本人怀着沉痛的心情向禹晋永兼职客座教授的学校 - 北京大学、清华大学、人民大学、中央财经大学、中国科学院、北京化工学院 - 致哀!在广大P民的心中,你们正在死去!



赏析(转):首先,此诗总长十三句,对转韵的运用放浪果敢,颇有唐乐府之风;“心系玉树睡不着,半夜起来看微博”一句、押的是方言古音,朴拙大气;“以为只有我一人,结果博友都没睡”,构想新意,不落窠臼;“玉树幸运比汶川,我们大家都心安”、“国家民众齐出手,幸福生活样样有”句,颇有讽世辛辣况味;单从 “活人定要信乾坤”句,足可说明诗人知敬畏,安天命,绝不妄自尊大说“胜乾坤”等;最后,诗人的悲愤在“祈祷难友能还魂”句达到了高潮,难友一词,无居高临下态,指你我无论生死,不过是难兄难弟,只争来早与来迟,祈祷“能还魂”,则更从态度转向了行动:“能还魂”意指“来索命”,如何索命,又索谁之命?故此诗似歌功颂德而内有褒贬,皮里阳秋,微言大义也,实为近年来少见的虎狼之作


Saturday, July 10, 2010

华夏快递 : 格丘山:重读爱因斯坦的“我的信仰”












Thursday, July 8, 2010

Entrepreneurs Roundtable in San Diego: How to Get Seed Funding

Wednesday July 28th at 5:00 p.m.

Johnson and Johnson Auditorium

3210 Merryfield Row, San Diego, CA

Hear from successful entrepreneurs
Make connections
Take your idea or company to the next stage


5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Networking & Refreshments

6:00 -7:00 p.m. Roundtable & Discussion: How to Get Seed Funding

Confirmed Speakers

Court Turner (Avalon Ventures)

Raj Krishnan (Founder, Biological Dynamics)

Malcolm Bohm (Founder, Trialytics)

Moderator: Doug Lappi

7:00 -7:15 p.m. 30 Second Pitch Segment

(pitch your company/service in 30 sec.)

Please send a short pitch proposal to by July 26th for consideration

Please register via

This event is free to the public. Refreshments provided. Donations and sponsorship are welcome.

The event is sponsored by the San Diego Entrepreneurs Exchange ( The SDEE was founded by local entrepreneurs in order to provide a voice for the early stage technology startup, to encourage new entrepreneurs, and to sponsor networking and educational events to help develop the skills necessary to bring funding and business to the San Diego area.

Allele News Release, editor JW

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Updates on dealing with banks

In earlier blogs I wrote how banks behaved in relevance to both of my business and personal accounts. I paid much attention as part of a learning experience because banks represent the type of business that my company deals with at the highest frequency among all commercial services. Previously I complained about CapitalOne for not making efforts to understand a situation that unfairly resulted in increase of interest rate. They later changed that and now gave my company the lowest rates among all accounts. I thought for a well that Discover was friendly and reasonable but it turned out that they increased our rate without notice to above 25% after agreeing on phone to reverse a rate increase, just the opposite to CapitalOne, and of course they are history, I closed the Discovery account never again will I have them for business funding needs.

Advanta's underwriting bank got into some trouble during last year's turmoil and shut down our account, and it was gone from our list of credit services for good as well after I paid it off quickly. What's funny is that for some reason Citi bank kept sending monthly statements to my home address, maybe thinking that linking my business account closer to myself would make it safer? After repeated problems of miss-delivered (to my old address) and late payment issues, we seemed to have cleared it all up by a bunch of phone calls and finally using our business address. However, just last week they decided to close our account based on these payment issues. It struck me that severe miscalculations that these large banks have through their staff that make judgment calls on customers' credit worthiness still exist after they run themselves to the ground, had to use your and my tax money for a bail out that almost tore apart our nation, cost me big losses on their stocks, now they tell us good customers that we do not deserve their services. The lesson learned, a company has to have a system for operations, but that system must have a common sense check point in place.

I am not against just citi bank, of which I am a share holder and I hope they would do well, for being quite stupid while probably feeling kinda smart on making such moves through their customer accounts; or BOA who completely messed up my personal account for more than 20 years and lost me as a customer for ever; or Union Bank who on one hand tried to lure my company's business, on the other hand had a bunch of really bad business people working on my issues. I closed BOA, then Union bank checking, loan, and cutting down the last dealing with them.

Just a blog for other peeps or biz to learn something from my first-hand dealing with these banks who contributed handily and heavily to troubles many of us are experiencing now. As a businessman, I will continue to find the best service, and take risks of getting funding to continue hire new people and helping my employees through the good time and the tough times. As an executive, I learn from other business and try to avoid doing things that are unreasonable, unethical, or plain stupid. As a scientist, I try to put more reasoning and logic in figuring out human factors in all these events.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Allele Custom Services for Drug Screening Companies
Many target discovery and validation programs can benefit from RNA interference, fluorescent proteins, stem cells, and viral delivery systems. However, applications of these technologies require special reagents and laboratory know-how. Even when available, many generic reagent kits are not tailored for your particular needs in screening or validation.

At Allele, we accelerate your discovery efforts with custom RNAi screening, fluorescence based assays, and cell model development services.

1) Our RNAi platform, based on our patented shRNA/miRNA technologies, use DNA linear template, plasmid, lentivirus, retrovirus, or baculovirus vectors that prompt cells to endogenously express RNAi. As a result, our screens offer advantages over synthetic siRNAs:
• Higher levels of consistency
• Greater delivery and gene silencing efficiencies
• Accessibility to difficult-to-transfect cells, including primary cells
• Potential for inducible RNAi expression
• More persistent silencing with shRNA under Allele’s own IP–you may not need to license siRNA patents!

2) Fluorescent proteins (FPs), which can span the entire visual spectrum, have become some of the most widely used genetically encoded tags. Genes encoding FPs alone or as fusions to a protein of interest may be introduced to cells by a number of different methods, including simple plasmid transfection or viral transduction. Allele Biotech is one of a few companies that develop and improve FPs through fundamental research. We have so far achieved:
• The brightest cyan and green FPs, true monomers for minimum artifact or cytotoxicity
• The brightest yellow and red FPs from lancelet, only FPs from vertebrate
• mTFP1 as the best FRET donor by 3 independent reports
• Photoconvertible FPs for super imaging or kinetic labeling
• Delivery on plasmid, retrovirus, lentivirus, baculovirus vectors

3) As a major advancement in the stem cell field, it has recently been shown that mouse and human differentiated cells may be reprogrammed into stem-like, pluripotent cells by the introduction of defined transcription factors. These induced stem cells (iPSCs) provide unprecedented resources of cells of different differentiation stages for functional testing and drug screening. Allele Biotech develops and provides state-of-the-art reagents in convenient forms for iPSC production
• iPS factors carried on lentivirus, retrovirus, baculovirus for different cell types
• Availability in combination with fluorescent proteins under own IP, and drug resistant genes
• 4-in-1 or 2-in-1 effective use of iPS factors on one viral vector
• Feeder cells of human origin expressing factors essential for stem cell culturing

4) Introduction of protein factors, miRNA, promoter-reporter, and virtually any other genetic element of interest via the most efficient viral packaging systems.
• Introducing protein-FP fusion, promoter-FP reporter, photoactivatable factors for cell-based assays
• Introducing critical factors for cell immortalization
• Episomal or integrated expression using baculoviral vectors
• High throughput, systematic expression of whole class of molecules in any type of cell
• High titer viral packaging at low cost for delivery to animal tissues

In addition, the Allele team can provide custom-designed assays that can be used for assaying enzyme activities in almost any pathway, such as the EGF pathway, TNF response/apoptosis pathway, nuclear receptors, etc. We utilize technically advanced methods to provide our partners with advantages over alternative methods or other services.

New Product of the Week 06-28-10 to 07-03-10: Eco-friendly mammalian tissue culture plates, 40% less plastic to the environment, 40% less cost to your budget, contact our sales rep today for quotes and details.

Promotion of the Week 06-28-10 to 07-03-10: Oct3/4 iPS lentivirus with RFP as marker, new to the market, this week only all kits containing Oct3/4-RFP same price as the original, non-RFP versions, save ~$50!