Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 10 List of Most Viewed AlleleBlogs in 2011

The ballot is in—among the “usual suspect” hot topics, iPS takes the top honor and most entries; Camelid antibodies, although not really presented as a typical AlleleBlog in 2011, made it to the top 3. shRNA cloning and RNAi screening are still on a lot of people’s minds, so it seems.

Method: total visits to each blog since our new webpage was launched in July was counted.

1) Fusion of the Transcription Domain to iPS Factors Radically Enhances Reprogramming

2) Methods of iPSC Generation Update

3) About 50 Papers Cited the Use of GFP-Trap Camelid Antibody So Far in 2011

4) Big Potential in Using Protozoans for Producing Mammalian Proteins

5) How do you make shRNA-expressing viruses for function screening?

6) Creating ground-state human iPSCs

7) Recombinase-Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) and Integrase Swappable in vivo Targeting Element (InSITE)

8) Development of Cell Lines from iPSCs for Bioassays

9) Choosing siRNA, shRNA, and miRNA for Gene Silencing

10) Allele Biotech’s Box Swap Program

Have a successful 2012!

From AlleleBlog:

Monday, December 26, 2011



不管你喜欢不喜欢他的艺术,张艺谋还是在人们心目中常被划在艺术家的一群中。韩寒是作家,当然也和艺术家有关联,但显然他最成名的原因是他的时政评论。韩寒以前通过网络文章表现出来的自由自在的思维、无拘无束的态度、和同情弱小的情怀使他成为拥有最多读者群和“时代”杂志风云人物候选人,用他自己的话说是“我候选了时代周刊的两百个影响全球的人物,中国同时入选的还有敏感词,敏感词和敏感词等人” (其中的一个敏感词是刘晓波,剩下大部分是高级官员,在中国也能以和刘晓波敏感相反的原因成为敏感词,比如防止被人骂)。韩寒在今年圣诞节前后以评革命、民主、和自由的三段网文正式直接地进行了政治评论。他的基本观点是中国没有民主自由是百姓素质太差;统治者的党之所以有了执政合法性是因为他们已经大到了人口的很大比例,所以我中有你,你中有我,党即民民即党;革命的结果是可怕的,等着执政者变好吧。这些显然和政府一贯拒绝施行民主所用的原因是很一致的,韩寒甚至因此得到了“环球时报”主编和其他不少著名5毛的公开支持和赞赏。不知道韩寒被这样的,曾经被他无情嘲讽过的人夸是喜、是悲、是无奈,还是尴尬,但这和他失去民众支持的悲哀比起来已经不重要了。正像我想问新近投奔党国怀抱并拒绝谈论6.4的北岛—--还记得你自己写的“高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证”吗?很多人在问韩寒----还记得你自己写的“你可以不为自由而战,但不能为高墙添砖”吗?


Saturday, December 24, 2011







Saturday, December 17, 2011





Localization imaging with standard fluorescent proteins on live cells—Bayesian modeling

The resolution of optical microscopy is limited by the Abbe limit, the diffraction limit roughly half the wavelength of the light used (e.g. green light is around 500 nm, its Abbe limit is 250 nm). Super-imaging fluorescence often involves switching fluorophores between a dark and a bright state, building a high-resolution image from many single, localized fluorophores. These technologies have become relatively well-known in the past years, including stimulated emission depletion (STED), stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), photoactivatable localization microscopy (PALM), and a number of variations.

STED and saturated structured illumination (SSIM) require specialized microscopes to shrink the effective size of the scanning beam or to extract information from hidden patterns. Localization techniques require non-overlapping fluorophore emission by activating a small populations of fluorophores, e.g. those of photoswitchable FPs such as Dendra,mEos, or mClavGR2. Cox et al. recently reported in Nature Methods that by using Bayesian modeling they were able to utilize many overlapping fluorophores to obtain localization from blinking and bleaching. This allows high resolution imaging at 50 nm using wide field microscopy, regular FPs, and on live cells.

The technology’s novelty and focus were mostly on modeling. The authors used podosome (cytoskeletal structures associated with cell adhesion, migration, and disintegration of the extracellular matrix) danymics imaging as the first example to demonstrate the power of the new method. The software for data analysis is provided at The technology is termed 3B analysis for Bayesian analysis of the Blinking and Bleaching. Bayesian: Bayesian probability as "a degree of plausibility of a proposition (belief in a proposition) based on the given state of knowledge," in contrast to interpreting it as a frequency or a "propensity" of some phenomenon.

Cox et al.:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How do you make shRNA-expressing viruses for function screening?

Allele Weekly Blog:

Most people use standard cloning procedures when trying to insert shRNA templates into lentiviral vectors, i.e. anneal a pair of long oligos with sticky ends and ligate the dsDNA into a linearized plasmid with compatible overhangs. However, since typical lentiviral vector plasmids have terminal repeats and are relatively large, when ligated to hairpin sequence-containing shRNA templates, recombination often occurs inside bacteria that results in smaller plasmids. This problem is common for cloning shRNA or other unstable DNA pieces into viral vectors. This cloning issue is further compounded by the fact that it is difficult to sequence any shRNA template region because the hairpin may block the progress of the DNA polymerase used in sequencing, sometimes requiring several repeats under different sequencing conditions, incurring high costs charged by sequencing service providers.

To deal with these aspects of the cloning difficulties, particularly for the purpose of increasing cloning efficiency RNAi-based screening, we compared three different strategies

First, we built a smaller shRNA cloning vector to clone and sequence shRNA templates prior to transferring to lentiviral vectors. This smaller vector does not have a severe recombination problem and is easier to sequence in the hairpin-containing region. After an initial round of cloning with this new vector, we further improved it by inserting an XbaI and a NheI site between the BamHI and SpeI insertion sites, so that any plasmid preparations can be screened for recombinants by a simple XbaI or NheI digest before sequencing. After cloning into this intermediate vector, the shRNA expression cassette can be transferred into the lentivirus vectors with some flanking viral sequences so that the insert size will be around 1kb.

Second, we developed a novel DNA preparation procedure after realizing that DNA damage during miniprep of vector plasmids and gel purification of vector fragment increased recombination of these constructs, which were already less stable than usual due to hairpin structures. This procedure of DNA preparation avoids UV or guanidium exposure, which can cause nicks on double-stranded DNA and facilitate recombination. This new procedure relies on purifying DNA through surface-binding to regular reaction tubes treated with a proprietary reagent (SurfaceBind Purification). The process simply requires adding a proprietary, guanidium-free binding buffer to the DNA, which has been processed in a specially coated tube (eppendorf or thin-wall PCR tube), and purifying directly in the same tube. Vectors prepared this way indeed provide more colony counts and a higher percentage of correct constructs as shown by our test runs. The procedure also requires less time and the purified DNA can be dissolved in volumes as small as a few microliters.

Third, to enable truly high throughput shRNA screening (i.e. looking for effective RNAi reagents), we further tested and adapted a ligationless cloning protocol that can be handled by a liquid handler almost entirely. In order to increase throughput, we designed a drastically different procedure that could bypass ligation and sequencing altogether before functional tests. Briefly, DNA molecules that would provide enhanced recombination were created by one round of PCR, purified directly in the surface bind PCR reaction tubes (any template DNA would be removed with DpnI enzyme that cuts non-PCR DNA), pooled, and transformed in bacteria directly. DNA plasmids from transformed bacteria can be used for lentivirus packaging, bypassing sequencing at the initial screening stage, and choose single colonies for sequencing only after a shRNA sequence shows promise in functional assays. This is based on the fact that such cloning rarely has any background colonies, and that among all oligos (if using the correct grade of oligos from validated suppliers) inserted this way, a good portion encodes the correct sequence.

New Products of the week: 100x 15mm EcoCulture Vented Dishes for better stem cell attachment and less plastic waste to the environment, APB-CS-114TC.

Promotion of the week: Buy 1 Stealth Express IPS Induction PCR Template Set, get 1 SurfaceBind RNA Purification Kit free. Use code FreePureRNA.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Development of Cell Lines from iPSCs for Bioassays

The reprogramming of differentiated somatic cells to pluripotency holds great promise for drug discovery and developmental biology. Using immortalized cell lines for drug screening assays has its limitations, such as questionable relevance; and the use of primary cells is often hindered by supply difficulties. Thanks to pioneering work by the Yamanaka, Thompson, and other groups, the feasibility of creating iPSCs has generated an opportunity to provide cell lines with stem cell properties in a virtually unlimited supply [1, 2]. These cells can be derived into different cell types for specific assays, even with patient- or genotype-specific background. Technologies are being developed to produce re-differentiated cells of a number of lineages.

Take cardiomyocytes as an example. There are a number of conventional methods for inducing stem cells into cardiomyocytes: through embryoid body (EB) formation, co-culturing with visceral endoderm-like cell line (END-2), and monolayer caridomyocyte differentiation with defined growth medium and protein factors [3]. A recent publication showed that using appropriate concentrations of BMP4 and activin-A in BSA-containing medium cardiomyocytes might be achieved from iPSCs or ESCs in about 6 days [4].

Transdifferentiation, or direct reprogramming, by introducing a group of 3 cardiomyocyte-specific factors, investigators could directly program cardiac or dermal fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells [5]. Although much refinement and characterization of these directly reprogrammed cardiomyocyte-like cells, termed iCMs, will be needed before the process can become widely used, this work raised the possibility of quicker and perhaps more efficient ways of generating cells for assays. Similar transdifferentiation has resulted in induced neuron (iN) cells, also by introducing 3 tissue-specific transcription factors [6]. Therefore, it seems that by using defined combinations of tissue-specific transcription factors it is possible to generate cells of different tissue types. It is also possible that by using different, developmental stage-specific transcription activator sets, transdifferentiation can be conducted in a stepwise way and make sure cells at each step is pure. This strategy may be particularly attractive if its efficiency can be improved by the techniques developed for iPSC creation. After all, reprogramming to pluripotency and transdifferentiation to different tissue types must share certain mechanistic steps in their respective processes.

In addition, it has been reported that by briefly overexpressing the Yamanaka iPS factors and controlling growth conditions, mouse fibroblasts could be transdifferentiated up to 40% in 18 days without reversing back to pluripotency [7]. It would be interesting to see if by transient expression of iPS factors via mRNA then switching to cardiomyocyte-specific transcription factors, we can increase the efficiency for direct reprogramming. Use of chromatin-modifying chemicals that were already shown to directly reverse and alter cell fates might also be used to assist direct reprogramming. We believe that a systematic approach for studying these reprogramming aspects should benefit the iPS fields.

1. Takahashi, K. and S. Yamanaka, Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell, 2006. 126(4): p. 663-76.
2. Yu, J., et al., Induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells. Science, 2007. 318(5858): p. 1917-20.
3. Vidarsson, H., J. Hyllner, and P. Sartipy, Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes for in vitro and in vivo applications. Stem Cell Rev, 2010. 6(1): p. 108-20.
4. Elliott, D.A., et al., NKX2-5(eGFP/w) hESCs for isolation of human cardiac progenitors and cardiomyocytes. Nat Methods, 2011.
5. Ieda, M., et al., Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into functional cardiomyocytes by defined factors. Cell, 2010. 142(3): p. 375-86.
6. Pang, Z.P., et al., Induction of human neuronal cells by defined transcription factors. Nature, 2011. 476(7359): p. 220-3.
7. Efe, J.A., et al., Conversion of mouse fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes using a direct reprogramming strategy. Nat Cell Biol, 2011. 13(3): p. 215-22.

New Products of the week: T7 RNA Polymerase, high quality for demanding in vitro transcription requirements.

Promotion of the week: GFP-Trap, buy 2 of any package and get 1 of equal or less value free. Use code FreeTrap, follow deals quickly on Facebook.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011














最后一个故事,是文章写到这里时发现Richard Overy介绍的:“上世纪三十年代早期,苏联视爵士乐为一种文化颠覆,跳爵士舞,也作为堕落的资产阶级生活方式。可是低俗堕落的资产阶级生活方式实在诱惑太大了,官方不得不让步,成立国营爵士乐团,但只允许演奏旋律柔和的舞厅曲目,或是改编自俄罗斯民歌的音乐。一九四五年以降,爵士乐因为冷战头号敌人美帝国主义,更是罪加一等。到了一九四九年,苏联萨克斯风的生产与销售皆为非法”。


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Creating ground-state human iPSCs

Murine pluripotent stem cells can exist in two distinct states, blastocyst-derived LIF-dependent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast-derived bFGF-dependent stem cells (EpiSCs). Murine ESCs and similar iPSC lines are more of the “ground-state” in terms of developmental status, as reflected by the lack of X chromosome inactivation in female cells and their abilities to pass as single cells. Human iPSCs, like human ES cells, are more similar to mouse EpiSCs. Unfortunately these human pluripotent stem cells are difficult to genetically manipulate, e.g. knockin or knockout. They also grow slowly, with doubling time averaging 36 hours. In order to create ground-state human iPSCs, several approaches have been tested, including reprogramming iPSC-derived fibroblasts, continuously expressing 5 iPS factors (Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, c-Myc, and Klf4), or using chemicals to inhibit chromatin modifying enzyme HDAC. While these approaches succeeded to certain degrees, the resulting cell lines seem to have some limitations, such as limited passage numbers.

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is involved in many aspects of embryonic development. RA receptor (RAR), together with one of its heterodimerization partners, steroid hormone receptor Lrh-1, was recently found to be able to synergize with the 4 common iPS factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) to induce mouse and human fibroblasts into ground-state iPSCs. The pluripotent cells created by the so-called F6 factor combination show no X chromosome inactivation if from female origin, can fully activate the endogenous Oct4 promoter, express Rex1 (which is specific to mouse ESCs, not EpiSCs), and grow with a 16 hour doubling time. All these mouse ESC-like features were achieved without detectable expression of the exogenous factors once iPSC colonies formed, indicating transient F6 expression is capable of effectively initiating endogenous stem cell factors. Remarkably, these stem cells can maintain their undifferentiated status in mouse ESC medium for 50 passages or more. This work, published this month in Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA [1], provided the stem cell research and application field with a very desirable choice of human stem cells.

As opposed to ~16 days with F4, it appears that the time required to induce adult fibroblasts into pluripotent stem cells is as short as 4 days if F6 factors are introduced on a murine stem cell virus (MSCV) vector with an integrated piggyback transposon. As the authors noted in their discussion, the speed-up benefit should be particularly advantageous for transient transfection approaches such as mRNA reprogramming. The bottom line from this paper and the engineered factor papers (see the previous AlleleBlog article under “iPS and other Stem Cells”) is that iPSC reprogramming is only going to get faster, which means that hopefully in the near future creating iPSCs will become a routine experiment as easy as a simple transfection.

Wang, W., J. Yang, et al. (2011). “Rapid and efficient reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells by retinoic acid receptor gamma and liver receptor homolog 1.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

New Products of the week: ARCA, modified cap analog for in vitro transcription of mRNA.
Promotion of the week: Friday special this week, 15% off all iPS viral particle products if using code “ViraliPS” when ordering online at, by email, or fax.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Solving the world’s problems with new biotechnology

The ability to isolate, create, synthesize, or artificially evolve living organisms towards desirable phenotypes may be increasingly important for solving many of the problems the world is facing. Such problems may include creating renewable energy using biowaste, finding biocontrol products that kill food-spoiling fungi “organically”, or assaying pathogens in the field using synthetic biological detection systems. With the arrival of synthetic biology, “it is possible to design and assemble chromosomes, genes and gene pathways, and even whole genomes”, according to the J. Craig Venter Institute. That is, if you know which genes or gene pathways you would need to put into the synthetic genome that would lead to the desired traits. So far, most published synthetic biology work involves bringing in transcription factors from a non-host source to set up an artificial network like circadian oscillators, showing that it can be done and it is interesting.

Through the process of evolution biological systems aptly self-engineer favorable traits in order to survive, but these changes require millions of years to manifest. However, there are quicker adaptations to environmental cues, such as developing antibiotic resistance, which can be achieved through a small number of mutations in hundreds or even dozens of generations. The question is how to harness this kind of adaptation for new strains that can be used as products with defined purposes? As a first requirement, you must have an assay for identifying the wanted mutants or method for augmenting their subpopulation, which is not necessarily easy and normally takes some clever designs to establish. Since evolutionary success in nature results from continuous “rounds” of gene mutagenesis, expression and selection, an evolution in the lab should ideally proceed with continuity. Previously, each round of mutation and selection takes a few days to complete. Recently, Esvelt et al. in David Liu’s lab at Harvard demonstrated one way of doing in vitro continuous evolution, by creating a lagoon of mixed E. coli and phages. By continuous dilution of the phage population through outflow, those phages that remain in the pool with properties that help them propagate in the host bacteria will have a better chance to regenerate and accumulate mutations towards the design of the assay [1].


Another aspect of natural evolution is that it occurs in a heterogeneous environment separated into niches of subpopulations with uneven stress levels. Although most evolutions with human intervention were conducted in a homologous population under the same stress and selection, a spatially complex environment may speed up evolution. This may not be easy to imagine, but if a mutant acquires some level of resistance to its environmental stress level and has a chance to move to join a population under higher stress, its relative fitness will likely increase. In addition, in a smaller population in the niche under higher stress, the mutant with marginally beneficial properties acquired under lower pressure can take over more quickly. This was demonstrated by Zhang et al. who showed that with a gradient of antibiotics applied to an array of microwells interconnected through tiny channels, new resistant strains can evolve in less than a day. Without the gradient, or separate the interconnected niches into discrete wells, no resistant populations could be obtained [2].

With more understandings like these and equipped with large scale gene synthesis, chromosome assembly, and deep sequencing technologies, we should see increasing numbers of human-made organisms serving special needs for food, health, energy, and the environment. Synthetic biology or artificial evolution won’t solve all the world’s problems, but if applied effectively and diligently, they can certainly help with many critical aspects as the technology “coevolves” with the environment.

[1] Kevin M. Esvelt, Jacob C. Carlson, & David R. Liu. “A system for the continuous directed evolution of biomolecules” Nature 499, 2011.
Qiucen Zhang, Guillaume Lambert, David Liao, Hyunsung Kim, Kristelle Robin, Chih-kuan Tung, Nader Pourmand, Robert H. Austin. “Acceleration of Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance in Connected Microenvironments” Science 333, 2011.

New Products of the week: Modified UTP (Pseudouridine-5´-triphosphate), and Modified CTP (Methylcytidine-5´-triphosphate) for in vitro transcription of mRNA.
Promotion of the week: Friday special this week, buy 2 GFP-Trap get 1 free. Email the code “2+1GFPTrap” after placing your order of 2 GFP-Trap beads (0.25ml or 0.5ml scales only).

Originally at AlleleBlog at

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Storm, by 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature winner, Tomas Transtromer.




By 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature winner, Tomas Transtromer.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fusion of the Transcription Domain to iPS Factors Radically Enhances Reprogramming


Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be achieved through introduction of a small group of stem cell specific transcription factors. Ever since this was first demonstrated by Takahashi and Yamanaka, there have been relentless efforts for improving the efficiency of this generally inefficient process. There is also a general opinion that iPSCs are different from each other and from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in various aspects, depending on the method of the induction. As a result, another focus of the reprogramming field has been to find ways for creating iPSCs that are as close to ESCs as possible. One of the parameters for defining stem cell status is their epigenetic characters; epigenetic changes have been demonstrated to occur during reprogramming of subsequent differentiation.
In fact, it seems that reprogramming can be largely described as a process composed of chromatin remodeling and specific transcription activation. Strong transcription activators are known to effectively recruit multiple chromatin remodeling complexes when exerting their functions. A good example is MyoD, a master transcription factor for skeletal myogenesis that can “single-handedly” switch (transdifferentiate) the fate of differentiated cells. Hirai et al. speculated that since MyoD is such a strong transcription factor, it may be able to increase chromatin accessibility to iPS factors if fused together. When transduced on retroviral vectors, Oct-TAD (Transcription Activation Domain) of MyoD, in combination with Sox2 and Klf4, increased the number of iPSC colonies by 40-fold. Additionally, these iPSCs appeared to quickly adopt stem cell gene expression profiles, days faster than when traditional Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 were used; and sometimes the levels of pluripotency genes even exceeds those seen in ESCs. Amazingly, when using the fusion assisted method some colonies are formed without the help of feeder cells, a requirement of ESCs grown in similar medium. Does this mean that these iPSCs can even be more “stem-like” than embryonic stem cells?
Like MyoD, VP16, also widely known for its strong transcription activation domain, when fused to iPS factors, was shown to exhibit a similar stimulation effect on reprogramming. Although the details of the fusion arrangements and specificity appear to differ between MyoD and VP16, the fact that two research groups could achieve similar results using comparable strategies provides a good argument that other labs should at least consider this method when creating mouse or human iPSCs. Previously in our blog we have discussed using iPS factor mRNAs, a method originally developed by Warren et al., for substantially shortening the time required for reprogramming and making it more robust across cell types and media conditions. If the new TAD-fusion factors are used also in the mRNA format, then the protocol might be further shortened and simplified. If successful, this non-integrating approach could become a dominant method in the field, even making competitive non-integrating method such as Sendai and plasmid-based miRNA irrelevant.
New product of the week:SurfaceBind RNA purification system, higher capacity and simpler procedure than Qiagen or Ambion’s comparable products, particularly suitable for mRNA cleanup after in vitro transcription.
Promotion of the week: 30% off RNA SurfaceBind Purification kits. To redeem this offer email the code PURIFY to

Monday, October 3, 2011

Big Potential in Using Protozoans for Producing Mammalian Proteins

Recombinant protein expression is critical for functionally studying proteins, preparing antigens, providing tissue culture growth supplement, and producing certain therapeutic compounds. Like many molecular biology labs, we have used several heterologous protein expression systems over the last decade including E. coli, yeasts, insect cells and mammalian cells from various species. It is widely accepted that these systems present increasing functional relevance from bacteria to mammalian cells, with accompanying increase in difficulty and cost. The benefits of using cells from higher species are often reflected in post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, etc.
There is yet another system that could be easy to handle while maintaining mammalian-like PTMs–parasitic protozoan Leishmania tarentolae. L. tarenolae is a unicellular organism, its host is lizard. Even though it’s a vertebrate parasite, this species poses no risk to humans. Amazingly, L. tarenolae individuals can be grown on agar plates for clonal selection or in simple liquid media like E. coli. Their optimal growth temperature is 27C, and they do not require shaking; thus they are suitable for growth in insect cell incubators or even at room temperature. The most important advantage of this system is that oligosaccharide structures of proteins produced in this organism resemble those of mammalian cells much more closely than even insect cells, i. e. the N-glycosylation profile can be basically identical to a biantennary fully galactosylated Man3GlcNAc2core-a-1,6-fucosylated structure found in mammalian cells.
IFrom our first-hand experience, the handling of this species is extremely convenient. While we heavily promote the baculovirus expression system (BVES) for most of our custom protein production projects (we carried out one NIH project for producing human glycosylated cancer antigen proteins using a modified BVES recently), we now believe that there is a good chance that many of the proteins we have been producing could be produced in the protozoan system with potentially better efficiency.
New Product of the Week: GFP-Multitrap 5 plates, ABP-CM-GMULT5, $1,200.
Promotion of the week: Get one GFP-Trap free when you send us two referrals. Call 858-587-6645 for details or claim prize.

Friday, September 23, 2011

About 50 Papers Cited the Use of GFP-Trap Camelid Antibody So Far in 2011

With their ability to quantitatively pulldown GFP-tagged proteins, GFP-Trap (or RFP-Trap for DsRed-derived fluorescent proteins) beads have gained ground in becoming the reagent of choice for immuno-coprecipitation. The complexes isolated from GFP-Trap agarose or magnetic beads can be easily analyzed without interference from light or heavy IgG chains typically present after monoclonal or polyclonal antibody precipitation. Since the market launch of GFP-Trap, in each of the past 3 years, the number of publications citing GFP-Trap more has than doubled and there is no sign of that rate slowing down any time soon.
In 2011 alone, 48 research groups have published their results with data generated through use of GFP-Trap (not including other related products such as GFP-Booster, GFP-MultiTrap). Research topics in these recent publications include identification of domains of the zinc finger protein 638 (ZNF638) that interacts with C/EBP? when promoting adipocyte differentiation [1]; identification of phosphorylation site on Cdc42-associated kinase (Ack) by LC-MS/MS after immunoprecipitation [2]; and analysis of the activities of myosin heavy-chain kinases (MHCKs) in wild-type vs Htt mutant Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular model for studying the Huntingon disease [3].
The use of GFP-Trap beads is a simple bind-wash-elute procedure that involves just one antibody already immobilized on either agarose or magnetic beads. Camelid antibodies, especially their VHH single domain fragments such as those used in GFP-Trap or RFP-Trap, are very stable (they can be shipped and temporarily stored at room temperature). The consistency of performance is very high; as a matter of fact, this line of products requires the lowest amount of technical support among all of our products. If you are still using tags like FLAG, V5, HA, etc., you should consider trying GFP as both a fluorescence and co-IP tag in your future experiments for obtaining results you previously could not obtain.
New Product of the Week: Non-Integrating iPSC Generation Kits. First of its kind on the market. Click to read more about mRNA-based reprogramming.
Promotion of the Week: Save 15% to save the environment by using EcoCulture Dishes at 30% less plastic for better imaging. Code: 091911DISH when call or email us.
Blog References:
[1] Meruvu, S. et al. “Regulation of Adipocyte Differentiation by the Zinc Finger Protein ZNF638″ JBC 2011
[2] Shen, H. et al. “Constitutive activated Cdc42-associated kinase (Ack) phosphorylation at arrested endocytic clathrin-coated pits of cells that lack dynamin” Molecular Biology of the Cell 2011
[3] Wang, Y. et al. “Dictyostelium huntingtin controls chemotaxis and cytokinesis through the regulation of myosin II phosphorylation” Molecular Biology of the Cell 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011


"今天他当然更清楚,在一个不要墓志铭的世界,卑鄙者的通行证是抢破头的。所以他也迫不及待地实践自己的名言去了。" 曹长青:北岛回国跟宣传部长唱红诗



另一同学曾道:"我已经可以退休了,你还在奋斗。。。“ Yeah right! 就象你一辈子的求学、训练、竞争、工作都只是为了尽快走到退休那一步。如果只为自己或自己的孩子们想,要退休当然可以,在自己的庄园上在种些果树养些动物,钓鱼打猎都是乐趣,或者写一些书,文学、历史、科学史亦无不可。但正像Richard Gere  在 Primo Fear 里说的”If you can still play the game (be a trial lawyer), why become a referee (court judge)?" I am still in my prime for science, and fight for what I believe is right.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Large Intergenic Non-Coding RNAs (lincRNAs) Play Large Roles in Pluripotency


here may be only 21,000 distinct proteins encoded in a human genome but there are also thousands of transcripts that do not encode any proteins in human cells.  These so called lincRNAs have been a subject of speculations in terms of functions and mechanisms underlying the functions.  In a recent Nature Article, Eric Lander’s group at Harvard and their colleagues have shown by RNAi that ES-cell expressed lincRNAs function in keeping pluripotency.  They seem to maintain expression of pluripotency-related factors such as Oct4 and Nanog, while at the same time lincRNA genes appear to be targets of these factors’ transcriptional control.

As shown by immuneprecipitation, lincRNAs bind to chromatin proteins such as those of the polycomb family and influence chromatin structures and gene expression, at least as part of their functional mechanism.  It would be interesting if the RNAi-against-lincRNAs experiments were complemented by transgene expression, something we might see in follow-up mechanism studies on lincRNAs.  Pulldown of lincRNAs instead of the polycomb proteins could be helpful in identifying their unknown partners. 

It will also be interesting to see how lincRNA profiles correlate with iPSCs created by different methods or from different sources.  It may be worth it to even try and use lincRNAs as reprogramming reagents as mi-RNA302, miRNA369, etc.

Guttman et al.  2011, Nature 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Methods of iPSC Generation Update

Induced pluripotent stem cells can be directly generated from adult cell cultures through the introduction of a group of factors, e.g. Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc (the Yamanaka factors) [Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2006]. Additional factors such as Nanog and Lin28 can either substitute some of the Yamanaka factors or supplement them for higher reprogramming efficiency [Yu et al. 2007].
The original pluripotent stem cells induction methods involved retrovirus or lentivirus that would leave foot-print in the host genome, a concern for clinical use of iPSCs. Several groups have tried to create iPSCs without integrating viruses, such as using small molecules, directly delivering proteins instead of cDNAs, viruses with RNA genomes, episomal systems, or removable elements such as PiggyBac or Sleeping Beauty transposons. From the literature and our first-hand experience in the iPS market, none of these methods has become a widely applicable tool, mostly due to impractically low reprogramming efficiency.
In addition to low efficiency, RNA viruses, such as the sendai virus, are still viruses and have virus-associated risks. Episomal plasmids or removable transposons still involve DNA, so the possibility of genomic integration by recombination remains. In case of some transposons such as PiggyBac, there is an additional question about the degree of removal – whether it is certain that all integrated transposons, often inserted within genes, are deleted; in case of transposons similar to Sleeping Beauty, the small footprints they leave behind may post a concern.
The method of choice for generating zero-footprint iPSCs should clearly be RNA-based without the involvement of virus. Luigi Warren and his former colleagues at Harvard demonstrated that by using in vitro transcribed iPS factor mRNAs with modified CTP and UTP, and 5’-cap can effectively reprogram a number of different human as well as mouse cells. The efficiency even exceeds those by using retrovirus or lentivirus by 10 to 100 fold. Furthermore, the RiPSCs created with mRNAs appear to be closer to hESCs as shown by expression profiling.
Very recently, a few miRNAs that have high expression levels in stem cells were shown to be able to reprogram mouse and human somatic cells when expressed together from a lentivirus [Anokye-Danso et al. 2011]. while that work used lentivirus, thus not directly applicable to the current project, Miyoshi et al. later showed that by using synthesized mature miRNA (overlapping but not the same set of miRNAs as used by Anokye-Danso et al.) reprogramming cold be achieved without viral infection. We believe that this is a promising method and would like to pursue it further and to find out whether these mi-iPSCs relate to hESCs as closely as R-iPSCs. Because transfecting synthetic miRNAs “does operate at considerably lower efficiency” in terms of iPSC creation [Miyoshi et al. 2011],alternatiuve protocols may include transfecting the iPS factor mRNAs together with various miRNAs at different doses and frequencies.
New Product of the Week: EF1a-lacZ lentivirus particles, for expressing nuclear lacZ in virtually any human or mouse cells.
This week save 25% on photoconvertible fluorescent protein mClavGR2 cloning plasmids. Email with code FPBLOG0831.
Blog References: Warren, L. et al. “Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA” 2010 Cell Stem Cell 7(5): 618-30
Anokye-Danso, F. et al. “Highly efficient miRNA-mediated reprogramming of mouse and human somatic cells to pluripotency” 2011 Cell Stem Cell 8(4): 376-88
Miyoshi, N. et al. “Reprogramming of mouse and human cells to pluripotency using mature microRNAs” 2011 Cell Stem Cell 8(6): 633-8
Kim, H. et al. “miR-371-3 expression predicts neural differentiation propensity in human pluripotent stem cells” 2011 Cell Stem Cell 8(6): 695-706
Takahashi, K. and Yamanaka, S. “Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors” 2006 Cell 126(4): 663-76
Yu, J. et al. “Induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells” 2007 Science 318(5858): 1917-20

Saturday, August 27, 2011


    “渺小”真名叫梁海 怡。广州市从化人。多年前,“千里姻缘网线牵”,网恋,让这位来自南国——珠江三角洲的“靓女”,与北国冰城哈尔滨的一位英俊儒雅的大学教师于先生走上红地毯。后来,他们有了一位可爱的小男孩。

    渺 小失踪半年多了,每想起她,心中便隐隐作痛和愧疚不安……为何会“隐隐作痛”?原因是:同为“受难的耶稣”,有些人却备受天下舆论关注,广受社会各界的舆 论声援和经济支持,有人甚至因受难而改变了人生命运,成为名利双收的英雄……而更多人则成了饱吃“哑巴亏”的殉道者——蒙难之后,不只个人饱受精神肉体摧 残,而家人也因此饱受精神惊吓的同时,生活因此陷入水深火热之中——我所知道的曾建余、唐荆 陵、姚 立 法……等等等等同胞就是如此。
    就 比如渺小吧,每想到她目前的苦难和处境,怎不让人有揪心之痛?——她只是一位极小范围内被人所知的小网民,远远没有老艾和老冉的名气。甚至没有唐荆陵和姚 立法的名气。所以,她的壮举只为极少数QQ群中网友所知。她“失踪”后,也只有她QQ群内的网友经常发出“寻人启事”。我曾经打通她爱人的手机,然而,要 么是关机,要么是支支吾吾很快挂掉电话……
    一想起渺小目前的处境,心中怎不“愧疚不安”?——身为七尺男儿,却没有“有之,请自李悔之 始”的殉道精神和“我不入地狱谁入地狱的决绝;身为同志,半年来,除了打过几次电话关注之外,没有对受难的“渺小”施之援手。甚至没有写过一篇文章对其安 危作出呼吁。尽管我屡次奋笔疾书,只是囿于现实环境最终放弃了——写了也极难发表,岂不白费一番心血?
    在万马齐喑的现实中国,渺小二月二十日之壮举,用“力拨山兮气盖世”来形容也不为过——女中伟丈夫梁海 怡在偌大的人民广场孤身振臂一呼,神州数亿男人瞬间皆成侏儒!
    事 情得从本人去年的东北行说起——应黑龙江友人杜兄之邀,我于去年十一月底到黑龙江大庆访友。家在哈尔滨、从未见过面的老网友渺小得知我到了大庆,在QQ上 对我说:“李老师,您可是咱的‘娘家人’,我们一家人得知您来到黑龙江都十分高兴,无论如何要到哈尔滨一趟啊。……”我当时愉快地答应了渺小的邀请。第三 天,杜兄亲自开车与我一起前往哈尔滨……
    在 韩国餐馆吃的是铁板牛肉。渺小和她丈夫于先生的豪爽热情令人感动。尤其是渺小,在长达四个多小时的用餐过程中,又是举杯,又是切肉、煎烤,热情殷勤让人有 些难为情……然而,随即而来的,却是几个小时的尴尬——虽然事先我与杜兄达成这样的“共识”:席间只叙乡情友情,不谈“政治”。然而,“物以类聚,人以群 分”,客套话没说几句,政治话题便成了整个聚会的主题。
    令我没想到的是:纤弱文静的渺小,竟比网上所接触、了解的渺小要壮怀激烈得多。尤 其是她的许多激烈言论,不但让我和杜兄深感意外,更让一旁的他丈夫于先生深为担忧——他先是陪着笑脸劝阻渺小,后又转为委婉的批评。没想到的是,于先生的 劝阻和批评惹得渺小毫不留情的嘲讽和怒斥,当着我和杜兄的面痛斥丈夫是“犬儒”,是“做惯了奴才的小人”……
    午 宴在令人难堪的气氛中结束了。分别时虽然彼此热情握手话别,但我内心却笼罩着一片阴云:渺小的激烈既使我难堪,更令我深深忧虑……不过,我却并未将渺小 “我要让你领教一下梁海 怡究竟是什么人”这番话放在心上。三个多月后渺小在哈尔滨人民广场振臂一呼,我才痛省自己是“以小人之心度君子之腹”了。
    (注 1)“有之,请自海怡始”: 1898年9月21日,慈禧太后就发动政变,囚禁光绪皇帝并开始大肆搜捕和屠杀维新派人物。谭嗣同当时拒绝了别人请他逃走的劝告(康有为经上海逃往香港, 梁启超经天津逃往日本),决心一死,愿以身殉法来唤醒和警策国人。他说:“各国变法,无不从流血而成,今中国未闻有因变法而流血者,此国之所以不昌也。有 之,请自嗣同始。”

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


冯士彦: 【祭园守园人】今天,辛亥百年的秋瑾就义日。特在这个日子,首发冯士彦先生受托成稿的《林昭<秋声辞>全注释》——以为林昭、秋瑾、辛亥百年共同的纪念。
       秋声辞 (并序)







Thursday, July 14, 2011



我 觉得把国家和政府当父母,是一个很欠的说法。通俗来说国家就是保镳政府就是物管,是纳税人聘来的,可大家显然没跟小区保安和物业喊过父母吧。其次,为不给 保安和物业添乱,哪怕它们做得再差,也深情地不投反对票……这样的逻辑很差劲,除了会导致中国这个小区下水道持续内涝,一定会导致“你到底是为党说话还是 为老百姓说话”这样的励志名言及墓志铭言,教育出更多的软骨头而不是脊梁。所以我反对从不投反对票的倪萍是共和国脊梁,我不认为这么说有什么不对,不为老 百姓说话的代表即使是脊梁也是颈椎病的7,而不是迎风招展的1。

好玩的是出现了很多水军帖子,除了每回都会整编制出现的“大姐好人哪” “谦虚,低调,实在”“大姐像一阵春风化解了人间”知音体(每回都发这些,雇的水军太没创意了),这次增派了很多的“不给国家添乱就是好脊梁,操李全家” “李就是想搞乱中国,操他全家”“我们这个世界,大姐无疑是建设者,搅和者如大眼、奸详、含含之流利用当下的民主宽容无时无刻不在大呼小叫,其实是在捞取 个人的好处!历史上的汉奸大多数都是出自于这种类型的搅和者!”……这时我不笑是很难的,因为大量ID都是刚注册的或只有几篇散文美容帖的,最好玩的是 “大眼明显是故意的,他有私心,想引起领导的注意,他想当人大代表”。

我对水军无所谓,虽然派水军已是笔仗中很土鳖的一招了,可水军多 一点,水涨船高可力保我国航母不至搁浅。操我全家及让我道歉也无所谓,我天天都在向共和国道歉,我家那条柴狗正在发情期也正急着找同类,谢谢舍身帮忙。让 我觉得要写点什么的是,看到倪萍更新了一封给我的信:《李承鹏,你的微博我看了》——

最近我获了两个奖。一个是“全国中青年德艺双馨文 艺工作者”奖,获奖那天组委会安排我接受媒体采访,我婉拒了,我说:“有德有艺是一个文艺工作者应具备的基本条件,不用表扬。”另一个就是昨天你说的那个 奖,我具体获得的是纪念建党90周年•共和国脊梁系列活动“十大杰出艺术成就奖”。我的现场获奖感言是这么说的:和同时获奖的田华老师、刘兰芳老师、张继 刚他们相比,我真的不配拿这个奖,如果能退的话,这个奖我退了吧。我仅是沾了职业的光,又出名又得利的,我知道自己,我会努力的。

表 面看这是一篇特别谦虚厚道和温暖感动的文章,可透着一种春晚体的假,假装老百姓贴心小棉袄,实是有关部门的铁马甲,假装趴着接地气,其实在琢磨抽掉想翻墙 的梯子。你都不婉拒获德艺双馨奖,却要婉拒采访。都婉拒采访了,可还是要告诉亿万观众“有德有艺是一个文艺工作者应具备的基本条件,不用表扬”。这么裸的 假,我雷鸣般地想起雷锋做好事从来不留名,就是写在日记上。另外一个雷鸣般响起的就是倪萍获奖感言居然是要退掉共和国脊梁奖。多么熟悉的场景,就是这样, 领导每回都说“咳,我真的不想当这个官啊,可群众不答应啊”,倪萍说“哎,我是真不想领这个奖啊,可恐怕退不掉啊”。姐,你退掉它吧,我打赌,真退还是能 退掉的。


其 实我觉得跟倪萍打笔战没意思,也不想绑架倪萍去反对什么。我只是觉得派水军这做法太不脊梁了,我要告诉倪萍:这个国家,因为种种原因,你我都是戏子,且不 幸是三四流的戏子,举国都被一根看不见的线牵着在演皮影。可蹩脚戏子中还是有高下之分的:知道自己在演戏的,和忘了自己在演戏的。你碰巧就属于那种经典入 戏太深的,你真相信靠煽情的眼泪就清涤了街市上的耻辱,靠略颤的尾音就共鸣出一个幸福大家庭的心声。可我要告诉你,那是你的幻觉。太多的人民上不起学找不 到工作喝着毒牛奶住着高价房,老了火化时却成得道高僧,因为烧成灰后闪现出好多三聚牌舍利子……其实你也不是看不到,开始你是装看不到,后来你就真看不到 了。你盈眶的泪,已自顾自凝化成一副美瞳隐形眼镜,看什么都叫幸福、安康、合家欢乐、举国欢腾。

倪萍是个好人,可这就是好人倪萍现象。 这个国家总有这么一群人,他自己装看不见,后来真看不见,不仅他看不见,还不许别人看得见。他从不投反对票,他唯一投的反对票就是,反对别人投反对票。因 为他凭借这个方法赚到很多,上面有大佬罩着,下面有脑残欢呼。到后来,他不再是当初那个只是有些傻气的人,而成为精明的帮凶,他其实确知自己要什么,怎么 要。动作娴熟,表情纯真,下手狠毒,倘若你发现这些技巧,他会深情地望着你说:呀,我只是一个孩子,想帮父母操点心。


花 了一辈子演乖孩子,而且高龄之际竟演出这么清纯的一嗲,所以好人倪萍不是脊梁,其实是是伎俩,是化骨绵掌,因为这么一伎俩,高堂之上本有些心虚的父母就坦 然了:这样一群代表民意的脊梁,油价就不用降了,房价不算太高,税费还是嫌有些低哈,总之一切都是发展中必然遇到的问题嘛。还有一些小棉袄式絮叨的话,比 如教我厚道的。我觉得最厚道的是帮人民说话,而不是成为两会一枚永恒不倒的“同意牌”假肢。教我善良的,这国家的人民被善良害过几千年了,生活中哪个教你 善良的人没害过你。以及倪姐夸我散文写得好张国荣写得好,这只是中文系的基本功,不值一提,且这国家已让我没心情写散文,我写的《李可乐抗拆记》比所有的 抒情散文都好。因此交换彼此的书就不必,我俩不是同一路人,你我的区别,就是《李可乐抗拆记》和《姥姥语录》的区别,这不是两本书,是两个中国。不如你带 我去姥姥的菜市场,我带你去拆迁现场,看我俩谁先崩溃,以后你在两会上反对一次父母,我在文章里表扬一次父母。倪,敢?

